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Thursday, July 12, 2012

5th Clinic Visit--July 12, 2012

Whew!  What a week for the little guy.  He has one more day to go of Kindergarten camp.  He has definitely had some tears, but I hope they stopped once he gets past the classroom doors.  Due to his allergy, he has had to sit by himself away from other children at snack time.  I sure am glad we are in the study so that he will hopefully change that by the time school starts.  All in all, he has fought back the tears and proved he can be a big Kindergartener this year!

The little guy also showed today that he can handle 1/6th of a peanut!  He is up to 50mg of peanut protein now.  I think it is possible now to actually cut a peanut into 6 equal pieces!  What he is able to eat is a substantial amount of a nut!  According to the allergist, this dose is a turning point for him.  In looking at the data from other university trials, once the participants got past the 50mg protein dose, the incidence of reactions really declined.  It seems like the immune system can fight you more up to this point and then finally begins to settle down.  This doesn't mean that he won't have issues once he gets to 75mg or higher, but the odds are even more in his favor for finishing the study if he can!  That was certainly good news.  He will continue to stay on both stomach medications for the next 2 weeks to give him the best chance.  Today we went to the allergist's  patient clinic hours since we missed our actual peanut clinic yesterday.  The little guy was the only peanut participant there today, so sitting in a waiting room with soap operas playing on the TV for 2 hours was a little trying.  He didn't seem to have any issues with the dose and played on the iPad tirelessly the whole time--games about the United States, building virtual Lego towers, learning about money/coins.  I sometimes wonder what my generation did as a child for entertainment.  I did have a little pink ball I used to talk to--her name was Amy.  Thank goodness Steve Jobs came along.

After clinic, I treated the little guy to a cone of chocolate ice cream on the way home.  He was happy as a lark and was wound up like a top once we got home.  I am so proud of all he is accomplishing.  I pray he will continue to progress and that these next pivotal 2 weeks will pass smoothly for him. 

He has a birthday coming up soon...we certainly will have a lot to celebrate and be thankful for this year.

to be continued...

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